The Liberty Bell: 70% copper, 25% tin; product of Pass & Stow. 12" circumfrance arround the lib. Tolls in E-flat. Home: Philidelphia (America's 2nd captial). To the passer by, this is all they see. We listen to stories of how our grandparents met and how our dad crashed his first car, but do we stop and listen when the tour guide tells us how the Liberty Bell got it's crack, or why it was rung in the first place. Do we stoop to read the incription left behind for those who came after: "Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land unto All the Inhabitants thereof Lev XXV VX
According to the Liberty Bell home page :"Tradtion tells of a chime that changed the world on July 8,1776, with the Liberty Bell from the tower of Indpendance Hall summoning the citizens of Philidelphia to hear the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence by Colonel John Nixon."
Feuled by passion for liberty, voices cried out against they tyranny of a government who was lording its power over the people, forcing the voices to submit to its will. Those voices have now been silent over 200 year.
The grave--the final rest.
Row after row of silenced voices.
First to a whisper, then, as time moves on, History forgets those voices and they fall silent. Time, life as we know it moves on unaware Of past revolutions, rallies, voices that changed the world And some who made the ultimate sacrifeice so we could Live free. So we mock the sacrifices that made us free, Because we silenced the voiced by our silence...
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